When I started this blog, I really didn’t know what the theme of said blog would be. I went with the approach of just writing whatever, whenever. So far, this has included personal thoughts, beauty, art and even university. Yeah, it’s quite the mix.

However, I really didn’t anticipate how much I’ve recently been researching and writing about beauty. I’ve never considered myself somebody who’s been obsessed with makeup or anything like that. I keep up a skincare routine, I love lipstick, but I’ve never really delved into new things and experimented with different brands, for example. I’m more of the person to just stick to what I know, fear of change.

That was until now, I guess. For the past couple of days, I’ve been stepping out of my comfort zone in the sense of watching different youtubers, ones that aren’t destroying their Sims lives, or screaming at the top of their voices for a little bomb-shaped graphic to hurdle across the gaps in the towers. Basically, I have been watching anything but gaming channels.

Instead, I have delved into the beauty world, and cosied up and watched various videos by the lovely Zoella, Tanya Burr and alike. Now, this makes me sound like I’ve never watched them before, but I have. I just wasn’t interested in the beauty side of things, and would rather watched the vlogging, or anything other than beauty.

Now, I didn’t sit and watch too many because I sit there with complete envy over some of the products featured in some videos, and so I chose carefully and decided to only watch the ‘drugstore haul’ videos. This allowed me to watch the videos and be like ‘oh, I can try that’.

It was also incredibly refreshing to notice that majority of these videos, the bloggers weren’t sponsored to feature any of the products. They genuinely enjoyed the cosmetic, and even went as far to apply during the video to show the realness of their love.

It felt SO good. It felt great to be able to think that I could go out and buy the very same product, and experiment.

Thus, that’s what I’m doing right now. Well, not right now. I’m writing this blogpost whilst sat on a train, but once I get to my destination, I’m heading to the nearest Superdrug and I’m going to buy new things. NEW. Things I’ve never tried before but have been recommended.

And gosh, I really do hope they work.

My biggest problem, when it comes to makeup, is foundation. I have tried SO many, and people keep telling me that I’m never going to get what I want from high-street makeup but I’m determined. I am stubborn with money, and I can’t justify paying out extortionate amounts on makeup, when I’m not incredibly fascinated by it to the extent of some. I am determined that I will find a high-street brand that will provide me with the full coverage I desire, without having to break the bank.

So, I guess my next blog post will be the results of this, and fingers crossed it’s a positive one!

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